Annotation guidelines
corpora annotated for multiword expressions
Structural tests (S)
Structural tests are quite simple preliminary tests that help determining the syntactic structure of the VMWE. This is required in order to point at the right category-specific identification tests. In practice, annotators will rarely need them since they will already have an intuition about the VMWE candidate category when they identify it.
Test S.1 - [HEAD] - Syntactic head
Does the candidate contain a unique verb functioning as the functional syntactic head of the whole?
- Apply the VID-specific tests
تنلاصبرbe patient you getif you stay patient you will get what you want →non of the verbs is clearly the head, as there in no universally accepted syntactic representations of coordinationsцъфна и вържа → none of the verbs is clearly the head, as there is no universally accepted syntactic representation of coordinationleben und leben lassen live and let live → none of the verbs is clearly the head, as there is no universally accepted syntactic representation of coordinationέδωσε πήρεedose pire gave3SG.PA took3SG.PA he succeeded none of the verbs is clearly the head, as there is no universally accepted syntactic representation of coordinationto pretty-print → there is an unusual case of an adjective modifying a verb
to drink and drive → none of the verbs is clearly the head, as there is no universally accepted syntactic representation of coordinationcoser y cantarto_sew and to_singeasy as pie, a piece of cakeikusi eta ikasi see and learn → none of the verbs is clearly the headag cur is ag cúiteamh arguing and debating arguing back and forth → none of the verbs is clearly the head, as there is no universally accepted syntactic representation of coordinationἠντεβόλει καὶ ἱκετεύεēntebolei kai iketeue supplicate.3SG and beseech.3SG he begged and beseechedžariti i paliti to stoke and to burn to be powerful , vedriti i oblačiti to brighten and to cloud to be poweful → none of the verbs is clearly the head, as there is no universally accepted syntactic representation of coordinationvivi e lascia vivere live and let live → none of the verbs is clearly the head, as there is no universally accepted syntactic representation of coordinationleven en laten leven live and let live → none of the verbs is clearly the head, as there is no universally accepted syntactic representation of coordinationpluć i łapać to spit and catchto be lazy, to do nothing useful → none of the verbs is clearly the head, as there is no universally accepted syntactic representation of coordinationpintar e bordar paint and knit to abuseživi in pusti živeti to live and let live to live and let live → none of the verbs is clearly the head, as there is no universally accepted syntactic representation of coordinationhyr e dil come and go come and go none of the verbs is clearly the head, as there is no universally accepted syntactic representation of coordinationведрити и облачити vedriti i oblačiti to brighten and cloud to be very powerful
што не иде не иде što ne ide ne ide what doesn't go, doesn't go don't force something → none of the verbs is clearly the head, as there is no universally accepted syntactic representation of coordinationdet knallar och går it trots and walks it is OK/as usual → none of the verbs is clearly the head, as there is no universally accepted syntactic representation of coordination - continue to the next test
ريح للرجليه أسلمhe gave his feets to the wind he runs away so fast → أسلمto give is the head and the NP depends on itгушна букета to hug the bunch of flowers to die → гушна is the head and the NP depends on it
правя на салата to make into salad to scold → правя is the head and the PP depends on iteine Fratze ziehen a grimace pull to make a face → ziehen is the head and the NP depends on it
er gibt auf he gives up → gibt is the head and auf is the particle depending on itκάνω γκριμάτσαkano grimatsa to make grimace to make a face κάνω is the head and the NP depends on it
παίρνω μία απόφασηperno mia apofasi take a decision to make a decision, to decide παίρνω is the head and the NP depends on it
βάζω μπροςvazo bros put forward to start βάζω is the head and μπρος depends on itto make a face → make is the head and the NP depends on it
to give up → give is the head and up is a particle depending on itdar la cara to_put the face face the consequences → dar is the head and the NP depends on it
hacer muecas to_make grimmaces to make a face → hacer is the head and the NP depends on itlan egin work do to work → the verb egin is the head and the NP depends on itéirigh as rise out of quit → the verb éirigh is the head and the particle as depends on itχάριν ἔχειkharin ekhei gratitude.ACC have.3SG he is grateful → ἔχει is the head and the NP depends on itsložiti facu make a face to show reaction → složiti is the head and the NP depends on itfare le linguacce to_make the grimaces → fare is the head and the NP depends on it
far fuori to_make out to kill → fare is the head and fuori is a particle depending on itnaar de bekende weg vragen to ask for the known road up → vragen is the head and naar de bekende weg is the extended NP depending on itzbijać bąki to smash fartsto fool around, to do nothing useful→ zbijać is the head and the NP bąki depends on it
dać komuś popalićto let someone smoketo make someone's life hard → dać is the head and the infinitive popalić depends on itbater as botas → bater is the head and the NP depends on it
criar vergonha na cara → criar is the head and the two NPs depend on ita face baie to make bath to bath → face is the head and the NP depends on it
a ieși înainte to go forth to greet → ieși is the head and înainte is a particle depending on itimeti krompir to have potatoes to be lucky → imeti is the head and the NP depends on itheq dorë remove hand give up heq is the head, and dorë depends on it.обесити нос obesiti nos hang one's nose to feel down→ обесити is the head and the NP нос depends on it
седети скрштених руку to seat with arms crossedto be inactive, withut the initiative → седети is the head and the NP (in the instrumental case) скрштене руке depends on itatt ge upp to give up → ge is the head and upp is the particle depending on it
The aim of this test is to categorize (as VID or no VMWE) those candidates which have no single clearly identified head verb. This is necessary because all other tests refer to the single head verb v and its dependents. Note that for VMWE candidates having the structure of a meaning-preserving variant, the test should be applied to their canonical form instead. This is required because there may be no verb or the verb may not be the syntactic head in such variants.
δόξαν ἣν ἔνιοι ἔχουσι περὶdoxan hēn enioi ekhousi peri opinion.ACC which some have.3PL about the opinion which some hold about is a variant and passes the test
Test S.2 - [1DEP] - Single dependent
Does the VMWE contain exactly one lexicalized (functional) syntactic dependent d of the head verb v?
- Apply the VID-specific tests
لسانهالقطأكل the cat ate his tongueused to talk about someone who was known to talk a lot, then suddenly we see him silent→ two dependents,لسانه his tongue and القط the catна стар краставичар краставици продавам to an old cucumber seller cucumbers to sell to try to cheat a more experienced person → two dependents, на стар краставичар (PP) and краставици (NP)
прочитам от корица до корица to read from cover to cover → two dependents, от корица (PP) and до корица (PP)
правя (нечий) живот черен make someone'l life black to ruin someone's life → two dependents, (нечий) живот (NP) and черен (small clause)die Katze aus dem Sack lassen to let the cat out of the bag → two dependents die Katze and aus dem Sackκάνω την καρδιά μου πέτραkano tin kardia mu petra make the heart mine stone two dependents, την καρδιά and πέτρα
δίνω τόπο στην οργήdino topo stin orγi give place to anger to hold in one's anger two dependents, τόπο and στην οργήto make ends meet → two dependents, ends and meet
to let the cat out of the bag → two dependents, the cat and out of the bagdejar con la miel en los labios to_leave with the honey in the lips leave (sb) wanting more → two dependents, con la miel and en los labios
dar gato por liebre to_give cat for hare to rip off, to take for a ride → two dependents, gato and por liebreodolkiak ordainetan eman black-puddings in-exchange give to do something as a response to something somebody has done to oneself (similar to 'what goes around comes around')ići glavom kroz zid to go with head through the wall to be stubborn → two dependents glavom and kroz zidmettere il carro davanti ai buoi to_put the cart in front of the oxen put the cart in front of the horse → two dependents carro and davanti ai buoieen kat in de zak kopen to buy a pig in a poke → two dependents kat and in de zakchować głowę w piasek to hide head in sandto pretend not to see a problem → two dependents, głowę head and w piasek in sand
bać się własnego cienia to fear SELF one's own shadowto be very timid → two dependents, się SELF and własnego cienia own shadowtapar o sol com a peneira to hide the sun with a sieve to sugar-coat → two dependentsa da bir cu fugițiito give tribute with fugitives theto disappear→ two dependents, bir and cu fugiții
a- i ieși ochii din cap to his come out eyes the from head to stare→ three dependents, i, which is a non-RCLI, ochii, and din capskrivati glavo v pesekto hide head in sand to pretend not to see a problem → two dependents, glavahead and v pesekin sand
vlečeš me za nosyou are pulling my nose you're pulling my leg → two dependents, meme and za nosmy noseI hedh benzinë zjarrit I throw gasoline on the fire To make a situation worse (aggravate a problem) Two dependents: benzinë and zjarritићи линијом мањег отпора ići linijom manjeg otpora go down the line of less resistanceto take the path of least resistance → two dependents, линијом linijom line and мањег отпора manjeg otpora less resistence
продати рог за свећу prodati rog za sveću to sell a horn for a candle to deceive somebody on purpose → two dependents, рог rog horn and za sveću за свећу for a candleatt sätta sig upp mot någon to sit oneslef up against someone To defy someone → two dependents, sig and upp - Continue to the next test
مثلاً ضرب hit an example to give examlpe → the single dependent is a noun phrase,مثلاًexampleритам камбаната kick the bell to die → the single dependent is a noun phrase, камбаната
ставам на кайма turn into mince to be destroyed → the single dependent is a prepositional phrase, на кайма
одирам жив skin alive to make someone suffer → the single dependent is an small clause (adjective), живeine Fratze ziehen a grimace pull to make a face → the single dependent is a noun phrase, Fratze
, in Betracht ziehen to take into consideration → the single dependent is a prepositional phrase, in Betracht
er gibt auf he gives up → the single dependent is a particle aufπαίρνω σκληρά μέτραperno sklira metra take hard measures take strict measures → the single dependent is a noun phrase, μέτρα → the single dependent is a noun phrase
φέρω βαρέωςfero vareos bring heavily to resent the single dependent is an adverb, βαρέωςto make a face → the single dependent is a noun phrase, face
to take into account → the single dependent is a prepositional phrase, into account
to take turns → the single dependent is a noun, turns
to give up → the single dependent is a particle, uphacer muecas to_make grimmaces to make faces → the single dependent is a noun phrase, muecas
tener en cuenta to_have in account to take into account → the single dependent is a prepositional phrase, en cuentamin eman pain give to hurt (somebody) → the single dependent is a noun phrase, min
kontuan hartu into-account take to take into account → the single dependent is a noun phrase with a postpositional suffix, kontuanbain triail get trial try → the single dependent is a noun, éirigh as rise out of quit → the single dependent is a particleπερὶ πολλοῦ ποιέομαιperi pollou poieomai above much.GEN do.1SG I hold in high esteem → the single dependent is a prepositional phrase
τιμωρίαν ποιέομαιtimо̄rian poieomai punishment.ACC do.1SG I punish → the single dependent is an NPimati osjećaj to have a feeling → the single dependent is a noun, osjećajfare le linguacce to_make the grimaces to make a face → the single dependent is a noun phrase linguacce
prendere in considerazione to take into consideration → the single dependent is a prepositional phrase, in considerazione
egli lo fa fuori he kills him → the single dependent is a particle fuoriopgeven to give up → the single dependent is a particle, opbić na alarm to strike on alarmto raise the alarm → the single dependent is a prepositional phrase, na alarm on alarm
cholera wie cholera knowsI have no idea→ the single dependent is the nominal subject choleracometer um crime to commit a crime → one dependenta face fațăto make faceto to deal with→ the single dependent is a noun phrase, față
a ieși înainte → the single dependent is an adverb, înaintegre za it is about → the single dependent is a particle, za
smejati se to laugh → the single dependent is a reflexive clitic, se
imeti mačka to have a hangover → the single dependent is a noun, mačekhedh poshtë Throw down To reject or dismiss the single dependent: poshtë (adverb)ићи као алва ići kao alva go like halva to sell well → the single dependent is a prepositional phrase, као алва kao alva as halva
језик прегризао bite off your tonguedo not foresee bad things→ the single dependent is the NP језик jezik tongueatt ge upp to give up → the single dependent i s the particle upp
The test covers only lexicalized dependents. There may be other, non-lexicalized dependents, which the test ignores. We explicitly call the non-verbal elements dependents instead of arguments or complements because argument-adjunct distinction is irrelevant. The outcome of the test is positive if the verb has a single lexicalized dependent, which can be the subject, the direct or indirect object, but also an adverbial complement, adverb, particle, relative clause, etc.
Test S.3 - [LEX-SUBJ] - Lexicalized subject
Is the single lexicalized (functional) syntactic dependent d of the head verb v its subject?
- Apply the VID-specific tests
أوزارها الحرب وضعت the war put its weights the war is over →الحرب is the subject of وضعتчашата преля the glass overflowed this is the last straw → чашата is the subject of преляein kleines Vöglein hat mir gezwitschert a little bird told meμου είπε ένα πουλάκιmu ipe ena pulaki me told a little-bird a little bird told me → a little bird is the subject of tolda little bird told someone → a little bird is the subject of toldha llegado tu hora has arrived your time your time has come → tu hora is the subject of ha llegado
me lo ha dicho un pajarito it to_me has told a little_bird a little bird has told me → un pajarito is the subject of ha dichotxoritxo batek esan → txoritxo batek is the subject of esanptičica mi je šapnula a little bird whispered to me → ptičica is the subject of šapnulame lo ha detto l'uccellino a little bird told me → l'uccellino is the subject of ha dettoboontje komt om zijn loontje he that mischief hatches, mischief catcheslicho wie devil knowsI have no ideaa sua hora chegou your time has arrived your time has come
um passarinho me contou que ... a little-bird me.DAT told that ... little bird told me that...a șoptit o păsăricăwhispered a bird little a little bird told someonesrce pade v hlače komu (someone's) heart drops into the pants one is lacking courage to do something → srce heart is the subject of pade falls , sekira pade v med komu (someone's) hatchet falls in honey one gets lucky → sekira hatchet is the subject of pade fallsMë zuri koka My head caught me I got a headache Koka (head) is the single lexicalized dependent, functioning as the subject of the verb zuri (caught).иде некоме карта ide nekome karta the card goes for someone to have luck → карта is the subject of иде
пасти некоме камен са срца pasti nekome kamen sa srca a stone falls from one's hearth to feel relieved → карта is the subject of пасти - Continue to the next test
زيارة ب قام he did with visit to make a visit→ زيارة is the object of قامобичам чашката love the glass to be an alcoholic
вземам назаем take in loan to borrow
намирам се find SELF to be situatedκάνω μια ευχήkano mia efchi do a wish to make a wish μία ευχή is the object of είπεto make a wish → a wish is the object of makepedir un deseo to_ask a wish to make a wish → un deseo is the object of pedirhitz eman→ hitz is the object of emanλόγοις χράομαιlogois khraomai word.DAT use.1SG I speak λόγοις is the object of χράομαιnapraviti prekršaj to make an offense → prekršaj is the object of napravitidare spettacolo to_make a scene → spettacolo is the object of dareeen toespraak houden→ toespraak is the object of houdenbać się fear SELFto be afraid
chodzić prostą drogą to go (on) a straight road.INST to avoid complications
zacznać od zera to start from zero to start from scratchplouă cu găleata rains with bucket-the It rains heavily → cu găleata is the adverbial of plouăimeti glavo na ramenih to have head on shoulders to be sensible → glava head is the object of imeti havemarr hua take loan to borrow hua (loan) is the single lexicalized dependent, functioning as the object of the verb marr (take).тврдити пазар tvrditi pazar to secure shopping to pretend not to be interested in order to gain more → пазар is the object of тврдити
обрати бостан obrati bostan to pick melon to be ruined → бостан is the object of обрати
This test captures the fact that VMWEs with lexicalized subjects always belong to the VID category. Note that for the VMWE candidates having the structure of a meaning-preserving variant, the test should be applied to their canonical form instead. This is required because there may be no verb or the verb may not be the syntactic head in such variants.
Test S.4 - [CATEG] - Category of the dependent
What is the morphosyntactic category of the (functional) dependent d that co-occurs with the head verb v?
- Reflexive clitic - apply IRV tests. If the outcome is negative, discard the VMWE candidate.
- Particle (as opposed to an adposition) - apply VPC tests. If the outcome is negative, discard VMWE candidate.
- Verb with no lexicalized dependent - apply MVC tests. If the outcome is negative, apply the VID-specific tests. On negative outcome discard the VMWE candidate.
не искам и да чуя don't want to even hear to oppose strongly → и да чуя is a VPwill sagen want to say that is to sayέχω να κάνωhave to doconcernto let go
to make doquerer decir to_want to_say to meann.a.laisser tomber let fall to give up
vouloir dire want say to meanτυγχάνουσι ἐρχόμενοιtugkhanousi erkhomenoi get.3PL go.PTC they happen to gopustiti koga živjeti to let someone live not to bother someone, znati raditi to know to work to be capablelasciar andare to_let go to unhand
voler dire want say to meanwil zeggen want to say that is to saydać komuś żyćto let someone livenot to bother someone
można wytrzymaćone can standthe situatiion is reasonably goodquerer dizer want say to mean
ouvir falar hear speak to know/remember vaguelyn.a.n.a.може бити može biti can beit is possible though unlikely - Adposition (preposition or postposition, as opposed to a particle) - in step 3 of the annotation process adpositions are not annotated unless they introduce a lexicalized dependent. Adpositions are covered optionally and experimentally in the post-annotation step (step 4), following the inherently adpositional verb (IAV) guidelines.
разчитам на to rely on
излизам със to come out with. Modern Greek does not have IAV expressionsto come across
to rely onconfiar en to_trust in to trust in entender de to_understand of to know aboutn.a.–– This category does not apply to Ancient Greek.izlaziti s kim to go out with someoneconfidare su to_trust in to trust in intendersi di to_understand of to know aboutbehoren tot to belong toconta pe count onn.a. - Extended nominal phrase (possibly including modifiers, prepositions, postpositions or case markers) - apply LVC tests. If the outcome is negative, apply the VID-specific tests. On negative outcome discard the VMWE candidate.
زيارة ب قام make a visit → ب زيارة is a noun phrase composed of preposition and a nounритам камбаната kick the bell to die → камбаната is a noun phrase composed of a single noun
давам зелена светлина give green light to allow → зелена светлина is a noun phrase composed of an adjective and a noun
ставам на кайма turn into mince to be destroyed → на кайма is a prepositional phrase composed of a preposition governing a noundie Nase rümpfen the nose wrinkle turn up one's nose at sth. → die Nase is a noun phrase composed of a determiner and a noun
in Kraft treten intoκάνω μία ευχήkano mia efchi make a wish to make a wish → μία ευχή is a noun phrase composed of a determiner and a noun
δίνω εξηγήσειςdino exigisis give explanations to explain → εξηγήσεις is a noun phrase composed of a single plural nounto make a wish → a wish is a noun phrase composed of a determiner and a noun
to take turns → turns is a noun phrase composed of a single plural nounpedir un deseo →un deseo is a noun phrase composed of a determiner and a noun
entrar en vigor→en vigor is a prepositional phrase composed of a preposition and a nounkontuan hartu into-account take to take into account → the NP, kontuan, is composed of a noun (kontu), a determiner (a) and a postposition (-n)
urratsak egin steps do to take steps → the NP, urratsak, is composed of a single plural noun (urrats+ak)τὴν ἴσην χάριν αποδίδωμιtēn isēn kharin apodidо̄mi the same gratitude.ACC give.1SG I show the same gratitude → τὴν ἴσην χάριν is an NP composed of a DP and an adjectivedoći do zaključkato come to conlusion, to conclude→ do zaključka in doubt is a prepositional phrase composed of a preposition governing a nounprendere in considerazione take into account → in considerazione is a prepositional phrase composed of a preposition and a noun
rompere il silenzio to break the silence → il silenzio is a noun phrase composed of an article and singular noun
mettere radici → radici is a noun phrase composed of a single plural nouneen wandeling maken to take a walk → een wandeling is a noun phrase composed of a determiner and a noun
te koop zetten to put for sale → te koop is an extended noun phrase composed of a preposition and a noun
in aanmerking komen in comment come to qualify → in aanmerking is an extended noun phrase composed of a preposition and a nounpodjąć decyzjęto take a decision→ decyzję decision is a nominal phrase composed of a single noun
chodzić prostą drogą to go (on) a straight road.INST to avoid complications → prostą drogą(on)a straight road is a noun phrase composed of an adjective and a noun in (instrumental)
bujać w obłokach to swing in the cloudsto fantasize→ w obłokach in the clouds is a prepositinal phrase composed of a preposition and a nountomar banho to take a shower → banho is a noun phrase composed of a single nouna rupe tăcerea to break silence the to start talking → tăcerea is a noun phrase composed composed of a single noun
a face baie to do bathto take a shower → baie is a noun phrase composed of a single nounbiti v dvomih to be in doubts to doubt→ v dvomih in doubts is a prepositional phrase composed of a preposition governing a noun, klicati jelene to call cerfs to vomit → jeleni cerfs is a noun phrase composed of a single plural nounузети маха узети маха to take swing/moment to spread→ маха maha swing/moment is a nominal phrase composed of a single noun
дати часну реч dati časnu reč to give an honorable word to promose firmly → часну реч časnu reč (honorable word is a noun phrase composed of an adjective and a noun in (accusative)
пасти на ум некоме pasti na um nekome to drop on one's mind to get an idea→ на ум na um on mind is a prepositinal phrase composed of a preposition and a noun - (Hindi-specific) Adjective which is morphologically identical to an eventive noun: Apply the LVC tests. If the outcome is negative, apply the VID-specific tests. On negative outcome discard the VMWE candidate.
- Adjective: Apply the VID-specific tests. On negative outcome discard the VMWE candidate.
излизам сух от водата to come out dry from the water to avoid taking responsibility
одирам жив skin alive to make somone suffer
гоня дивото chase the wild.ADJ to take risks → дивото is a substantiverot sehen to see redτα βάφω μαύρα them-NE.PL.ACC paint-1.SG black-NE.PL.ACC be very sadto stand firm, to see redme las vi negras me the saw black I saw myself in trouble
ponerse negro put.self black to get/become irritated
poner verde put green to criticise (someone)zuriak eta beltzak aditu white and black hear to hear all sorts of thingsvoir rouge to see red to be very angryostati svoj to stay one's own to be consistentvedere nero to see blackblauw zien van de kou to be blue/perished with the cold
zwartrijden black drive to take a ride without a ticketzrobić swojeto do one's ownto do what one is supposed to dopensar grande to think biga vedea roșu to see red
a o face lată to CL.ACC make wideto partynarediti svojeto do one's ownto do what one is supposed to doбити зелен biti zelen to be greento be young, unexperienced - Adverb: Apply the VID-specific tests. On negative outcome discard the VMWE candidate.
изваждам наяве take out in the open to uncover
хващам натясно catch in a tight place to coerce, to pressureφέρω βαρέωςfero vareos bring heavily to resentto get wellcaer bien fall well to be liked byalferrik galdu uselessly get-lost to ruin, to spoilκαλῶς εἶχενkalо̄s eikhen beautifully have.IMPF.3SG he was welldobroproći to go well to be successfulfare passi avanti to_make steps forward to make progressbeter worden to get wellchcieć dobrze to want wellto have good intentions
robić komuś dobrze to do someone.DAT wellto please someone
źle/marnie skończyć badly finishto come to a bad endcair bem fall well to be appropriatea se face bine to himself make well to get well
a face bine to make well to helpobrniti se na bolje to turn for better to be better, iti predaleč to go to far to demand to much or to do something inappropriateдобро доћи dobro doći to come wellto be useful
боље рећи bolje reći to say better to say in other words, more precisely - Pronoun: Apply the VID-specific tests. On negative outcome discard the VMWE candidate.
мързи ме (it feels) lazy me.ACC to be lazyτα καταφέρνωta kataferno them achieve to make it
την πατάωtin patao her step-on to failto make itjugársela to risk itelkar hartu each-other take to get on with somebody, to agreesuarekin jolasean ibili with-fire playing be to play with firele faire it make to be enough/successfulfarcela to make it to managehet maken it make to be successfulNo example found in Polishdá-lhe João! give to him/her, João! show them what you got, João!a o coti CL.ACC.F.3SG turn to turnwith the non-anaphoric feminine clitic 'o' functioning as an expletiveimeti ga pod kapo to have him under one's hat to be drunk, mahniti jo to hit her to start going (somewhere)n.a. - Verb with lexicalized dependents including fully lexicalized clauses: Apply the VID-specific tests. On negative outcome discard the VMWE candidate.
السيف العذل سبق The sword preceded the blamesaid when someone do something without thinking and regret itне мога да кажа две думи на кръст cannot say two words on a cross to not be able to speak or express oneself
правя сам да си говори make someone talk to himself to drive someone crazyανοίγω τον ασκό του Αιόλουopen the bag of Aeolus open the bag of Aeolus to open the floodgates
και οι τοίχοι έχουν αυτιάke i tichi echun aftia and walls have ears everyone might be listeningto make ends meet, to know on which side the bread is buttered
hacer de tripas corazón make of intestines heart to pluck up the courage
dejar con la miel en los labios to_leave with the honey in the lips leave (sb) wanting more
dar gato por liebre to_give cat for hare to rip off, to take for a riden.a.okretati se kako vjetar puše to turn how the wind blows to be inconsistentsbarcare il lunario to_land the living to make ends meet
non avere peli sulla lingua do not have hair on the tongue to be outspokenlachen als een boer die kiespijn heeft laughing on the other side of his/her face/mouthwiedzieć, co w trawie piszczy to know what in the grass squeaks to know what is going on, to be well informedvedeti, koliko je ura to know what the time it is to realize the truthзнати у ком грму лежи зец знати у ком грму лежи зец I know in which bush the rabbit lies to know what is going on, to be well informed - Other: Apply the VID-specific tests. On negative outcome discard the VMWE candidate.
радвам се feel joy myself.REFL to feel joy
a se holba to stare with obligatory ACC reflexive clitic
откравити се otkraviti se to melt SELFto relax, to cheer up
ich schlage vor I propose
ik stel voor I propose
The aim of this test is to determine which category-specific identification tests should be applied. Note that for the VMWE candidates having the structure of a meaning-preserving variant, the test should be applied to their canonical form instead. This is required because there may be no verb or the verb may not be the syntactic head in such variants.