VMWEs occurring in a corpus can have various syntactic structures. Since the linguistic tests are structure-driven
(cf. e.g. structural tests), there is a necessity to neutralize
variation before the tests are applied. In this section we introduce definitions answering these needs.
Prototypical forms
A (candidate) VMWE in its prototypical form (if it exists) is a verbal phrase in active voice whose head verb is
in a finite form and whose other lexicalized components depend either on the verb or on another lexicalized
component. The VMWE can also contain coordinated verbs. These phrases can be:
Partly saturated, where only some of their arguments are lexicalized:
قراراأخذ he made a decision make a decision أنظار الخطف he kidnapped the sight to grab attention كلمةألقى he threw a word make a speech
пиля нечии нервиscrape someone's nervesto annoy someone вземам трудно решениеmake a difficult decisionto make a difficult decision
traf eine Entscheidungmade a decision nahm sich das zu Herzentook this to heart
παίρνω μία απόφασηperno mia apofasitake-1SG a-FE.SG.AC difficult-FE.SG.AC decision-FE.SG.ACto make a difficult decision παίρνω τα μέτρα μου perno ta metra moutake-1.SG the-NE.PL.AC measures-NE.PL.AC my-1.SG.GE.POSSto take precautions γράφωσταπαλιάμουταπαπούτσια κάποιονgrafo sta palia mu ta paputsia kapionhim-MA.SG.AC write-1.SG to-the-NE.PL.AC old-NE.PL.AC my-1.SG.GE.POSS shoes-NE.PL.ACI ignore someone θα μπορούσα να έχω πάρει μία άλλη απόφασηθa borusa na echo pari mia ali apofasicould-1SG to have-1SG take-INF one.SG.ACC other.SG.ACC decisionI could have made another decision
made a decision break her heart took this to heart could take this to heart would have been making a decision could have made a different decision
tomó una decisióntook.he/she a decisionhe/she made a decision le hubiera roto el corazónhim/her would_have broken.he/she the hearthe/she would have broken his/her heart se lo tomaría muy a pechohim/her it would_take very to breasthe/she would to it deeply to heart
erabakia hartudecision takemake the decision erabaki bat hartudecision one takemake a decision erabaki garrantzitsuak hartzen ari ziren decision importants taking they-werethey were making important decisions
a eu du couragehas had some couragehad courage
déan comhairlemake directionmake a decision déan dearmad ar rud do forgetfulness on somethingforget something
χάριναποδίδωμιkharin apodidо̄migratitude.ACC give.1SGto show gratitude
podnijetiostavkuto submit resignto resign, uzeti što k srcuto take something to heartto think about something seriously
sétátteszto take a walk
prendere una decisionemake a decisiontake a decision spezzare il cuorebreak the heartbreak the heart prendere a cuoretake to hearttake to heart
nam een beslissingmade a decision nam het ter hartetook this to heart
podjął niejedną trudną decyzjętook.3.SG not-one hard decisionhe took several hard decisions
eles deram uma caminhadathey gave a walkthey took a walk
a trece ceva cu vedereato pass sth with sight.the.ACCto overlook a trece ceva sub tăcereto keep something under silence.ACCto keep quiet about something
zlomiti komu srceto break someone's heartto hurt someone's feelings bad vzeti si k srcutake something to heartto think about something seriously bi si lahko to vzelk srcucould take this to heartcould think about this seriously bov pomoč will be in helpwill be helpful
vë në dukjeput in appearancepoint out ka në dorëhave in handhave control over i bieshkurthit it shortcut to the chase mbajmendhold mindremember thyejzemrën e dikujt break the heart of someonebreak someone's heart hapzemrënopen heartopen up, confide
донети одлукуdoneti odlukuto bring a decisionto make a decision (to decide)
fattade ett belsutmade a decision
做 一 个 决定(2 words, 2 tokens) do one CL decision to make a decision
Partly saturated, where the lexicalized arguments include the subject:
لسانه فلانٌابتلع someone swallowed his tongue hold one's tongue
излиза ми имеappears for-me.DAT namea name sticks for/to me чашата на търпението ми преливаglass.DET of patience my.POS overflowsmy patience runs out
ein Vöglein hat mir gezwitscherta little bird has to me twittereda little bird told me
μου έφυγε ο τάκοςme.GEN left the choskI was very tired
a little bird told someone, the problem lies in something
me lo ha dicho un pajaritoto_me it has said a little_birda little bird has told me
txoritxo batek kontatu dit little-bird one told mea little bird told me
περί πολλοῦ ποιέομαιperi pollou poieomaiabove much.GEN do.1SGto hold in high esteem
problemleži u čemu the problem lies in something
me lo ha dettoun uccellinoto me it told a little bird a little bird told me
blaffende honden bijten niet barking dogs bite nothis bark is worse than his bite geen haar op mijn hoofd die eraan denktno hair on my head which it of thinksI would not dream of it
mina komuś zrzedłathe face someone.DAT thinnedone lost one's confidence
a sua horachegouyour time has arrivedyour time has come
a mustra cugetul (pe cineva) to chide consciousness-the (PE_Acc somebody)the consciousness chides (PE somebody)
srce padev hlače komu (someone's) heart drops into the pantsone is lacking courage to do something , sekira padev med komu (someone's) hatchet falls in honeyone gets lucky
më ziengjakuto me boils the bloodmy blood boils
потонуле су некоме све лађеpotonule su nekome sve lađeall someones ships sanksomeone is completely ruined пао некоме мрак на очиpao nekome mrak na očidarkness fell on someones eyessomeone lost control over oneself
en liten fågel viskade i mitt öraa little bird whispered in my eara little bird told me
Partly saturated, where lexicalized head verbs are coordinated:
цъфна и вържаto blossom and give fruit(usually sarcastically) to prosper
leben und leben lassento live and let liveto live and let live
απορώ και εξίσταμαιaporo ke existamewonder1.SG and be-amazed1.SGto wonder
drink and drive
coser y cantarto_sew and to_singeasy as pie, a piece of cake
ikusi eta ikasisee and learn
ἠντεβόλεικαὶἱκετεύεēntebolei kai iketeuesupplicate.3SG and beseech.3SGhe begged and beseeched
žariti i palitito stoke and to burnto be powerful, vedriti i oblačitito brighten and to cloudto be poweful
vivi e lascia vivere to live and let liveto live and let live
leven en laten levento live and let liveto live and let live
pluł i łapałhe spit and catched(he) was lazy, (he) did nothing useful
pintar e bordarpaint and knitto abuse
a tunat și i-a adunatit.has thundered and CL.ACC-it.has gatheredbirds of a feather flock together seamănă, dar nu răsaresow.3SG (homonym of resemble), but not sprout.3SGnot to resemble
živi in pusti živetito live and let liveto live and let live
hyj e dalenter and exitcome and go
ведрити и облачитиvedriti i oblačitito brighten and (to) cloudto call the shots мислити и цвеће брати (није исто)misliti i cveće brati (nije isto)to think and (to) pick flowers (is not the same)to think and put into action are different things
det knallar och gårit trots and walksit is OK / things are reasonably good
试试 看 try look to try and see
Fully saturated:
فأراولدفالجبلتمخضthe mountain gave birth to a mouse It refers to great promises and great labors that produce little result
пиле не може да прехвръкнеbird cannot fly init is very strictly guarded
der frühe Vogel fängt den Wurmthe early bird catches the wormthe early bird catches the worm
το έξυπνο πουλί από τη μύτη πιάνεταιthe clever bird is-caught-3SG by the nose people who consider themelves clever fail
the early bird catches the worm
los ojos son el reflejo del almathe eyes are the reflection from_the soulthe eyes are the window to the soul
aho hertsitik ez da eulirik sartzenmouth shut-from no is fly coming-ina shut mouth catches no flies
à quelque chose malheur est bonfor something bad luck is goodbad experiences may bring unexpected positive effects
tá dhá thaobh ar an mbádthere are two sides on the boatthere are two sides to every story
ἐπὶτὴνἑστίανκαταφεύγωepi tēn hestian katapheugо̄I fled to the heartI appealed for amnesty
tko rano rani, dvije sreće grabi who early comes, two lucks grabsthe early bird catches the worm
il mattino ha l'oro in boccathe morning has the gold in mouth the early bird catches the worm
hoge bomen vangen veel windhigh trees catch a lot of windthe bigger they are, the harder they fall de kogel is door de kerkthe bullet is through the churchthe die is cast
nie od razu Kraków zbudowanonot at once Cracow was builtRome was not built in a day kości zostały rzuconethe dice have been thrownalea iacta est
quem vê cara não vê coraçãowho sees face doesn't see hearta person can lie/omit his/her feelings
se revarsă zorileRefl.Cl.3sg.Acc. flow_out dawnsit is getting morning
kdor prej pride, prej meljewho comes first, mills first it's on a first-come, first-serve basis še pes ima rad pri jedi mireven the dog does not want to be disturbed during its mealsdo not bother people during their meals
Një lule nuk sjell pranverënOne flower doesn't bring springOne swallow doesn't make a summer
нужда закон мењаnužda zakon menjanecessity changes the lawin great need one does whatever is necessary удри бригу на весељеudri brigu na veseljeturn worries to joydo not worry
哑巴 吃 黄连 dumb-person eat bitter-medicine a dumb person eats bitter medicine, and he cannot speak out the bitterness
Meaning-preserving variants
Meaning-preserving variants of a (candidate) VMWE include notably:
Verbal expressions with analytical tenses and modals:
جيدة قراراتاتخذ وا they made decisions good they made good decisions
щях да съм взел важно решениеI would have made a decition
Η Μαρία έχει πάρει την απόφασή τηςi Maria echi pari tin apofasi tisthe Maria has-3.PR.SG taken the-FE.SG.AC decision-FE.SG.AC hers-3.SG.GEMaria has made her decision, Maria has decided Η Μαρία θα πάρει την απόφασή τηςi Maria tha pari tin apofasi tisthe Maria wii take the decision hersMaria will decide
they have made a decision we are making a decision
han tomado una decisiónhave taken_they a decisionthey have made a decision
ils ont pris une décisionthey have made a decision
γνώμηνἔχοιτεgnо̄mēn ekhoiteopinion.ACC have.OPT.2PLyou (all) may have an opinion γνώμηνἔσχεgnо̄mēn eskheopinion.ACC have.AOR.3SGhe had an opinion
mi smo donijeli odlukuwe have made the decision
hanno preso una decisionethey have made a decision
zij hebben een beslissing genomenthey have made a decision
będzie podejmował niejedną trudną decyzjęwill take several hard decisions
Estou tomando uma decisãoI-am taking a decisionI am making a decision eles haviam tomado uma decisãothey had made a decision
noi am luat decizia we have made the decision
je zlomil komu srce has broken someone's hearthas hurt bad someone's feelings
Ka dalë nga kontrolliIt has gotten out of controlIt has spiraled out of control
тек што су били донели одлукуtek što su bili doneli odlukuthey had only brought a decisionthey had only made a decision
Nominal groups (headed by nominal complements from the prototypical VMWEs) with relative clauses:
جيد اتخذتهالذيقرارالthe decision that i made is good
решението, което взехdecision.DET which I.PRODROP madethe decision which I made
Entscheidungen die wir trafendecisions which we made Herzen die wir gebrochen haben hearts which we broke havehearts which we have broken
η απόφαση που πήραμεi apofasi pu piramethe decision we tookthe decision we made
decisions which we made heart which we broke
la decisión que tomamos es arriesgada the decision which took_we is boldthe decision we made is bold no te imaginas la ilusión que le hizonot you imagine_you the excitement which to_him/to_her made_ityou cannot imagine how excited he/she was by it
hartutako erabakiataken decisionthe decision (which was) made
les décisions que nous avons prises hier sont bonnes the decisions that we have taken yesterday are goodthe decisions that we have made yesterday are good
δόξαν ἣν ἔνιοι ἔχουσι περὶ τῆς Νικοφήμου οὐσίαςdoxan hēn enioi ekhousi peri tēs Nikophēmou ousiasopinion which some have.3PL about the Nicophemus’ propertythe opinion which some hold about Nicophemus' property
odluka koju je doniodecisions which he took
la decisione che prendemmo the decision which we tookthe decision which we made i cuori che abbiamo spezzato the hearts which we have brokenhearts which we have broken
de beslissingen die we hebben genomenthe decisions which we have made
decyzje, które podjąłdecisions which he took
a apresentação que Maria fezthe presentation that Mary made
decizia pe care am luat-o the decision that we have made
srca, ki jih je zlomil hearts which he has broken(people's) feelings which he hurt bad
loja në të cilën u vuraThe game in which I was putThe way in which I was mocked
одлуке које смо донелиodluke koje smo donelithe decisions that we broughtthe decisions that we made
他 所 做 的 决定 he which make DE decision the decision he made
ضدهمتخذالإجراء والكشف عن ال And disclose the action taken against him قرارالأخذ ربما تكرهني للمخاطرة و لكن كان عليyou may hate me for taking risks but i have to make a decision خروجا خرج he+exit exit he went out ه نهضت تحقيق على المجتمعon the society achievement renaissance itsThe society must achieve its renaissance
взетите вече решенияthe decisions already made броящ звездиwho counts stars неразбитите все още от него сърцаthe hearts not yet broken by him вземайки това решение(while) making this decision
aus|machenout|makeopen eine Entscheidung treffena decision meetto make a decision früher getroffene Entscheidungenearlier made decisions
έχω πάρει την απόφασή μου echo pari tin apofasi muhave-1.SG.PR taken the decision meI have made my decision παίρνοντας αποφάσειςpernontas apofasistaking decisionsmaking decisions κάνονταςπλάκαkanontas plakamaking funhaving fun
we want to make a decision to break one's heart is easy we avoid making decisions heart breakingthe act of breaking hearts decisions previously made all hearts broken by him breaking her heart they passed a piece of watered-down legislation
tomar una decisión será difícil to_take a decision will be hardit will be hard to_make a decision solo te tiene que hacer ilusiónonly to_you has that to_make excitementyou only need to be excited about it las decisiones tomadas ayer son decisivas the decisions taken yesterday are decisivethe decisions made yesterday are final el trato hecho previamente será respetado the agreement made previously will_be observed the previously made agreement will be observed
erabakia hartudecision takedecide, make a decision erabaki asko hartudecision many takemake many decisions emandako pausoakgiven stepsthe steps (which were) taken pauso-emateastep-givethe step taking, the action of taking steps
il faut avoir du courageone must to-have some courageto have courage is necessary les décisions prises hier sont bonnes the decisions taken yesterday are goodthe decisions that were made yesterday are good les personnes subissant plusieurs opérations sont fragiles the people undergoing several surgical operations are fragile
γνώμηνἔχεινgnо̄mēn ekheinopinion.ACC have.INFto have an opinion γνώμηνἔχονταςgnо̄mēn ekhontasopinion.ACC have.PTC.ACThaving an opinion
donijeti odlukuto bring a decisionto make a decision unaprijed donesenaodlukathe decision made in advance
prendere una decisionetake a decisionto make a decision decisioni prese precedentemente earlier made decisions prendendo questa decisioneby making this decision
voor|gaanbefore|goto lead (in prayer) een beslissing nemento make a decision eerder genomen beslissingenearlier made decisions
podjąć niejedną trudną decyzjęto make several hard decisions podejmowanie decyzjithe making of a decisiondecision making podejmujący trudne decyzjemaking hard decisions
tomar essa decisão será difícil to-make this decision will-be difficultto make this decision will be difficult eu evito tomar decisões precipitadas I avoid to-take decisions precipitatedI avoid taking precipitated decisions a decisão tomada ontem the decision made yesterday a mulher tomando um banhothe woman taking a shower
lua o decizieto make a decision decizia recent luatăthe decision recently made luând deciziamaking the decision
treba ji je bilo zlomitisrceit was necessary to broke her hearther feelings had to be hurt bad lomljenje src breaking (people's) hearts hurting (people's) feelings nedavno zlomljeno srce recently broken heart
për të thyerzemrën e dikujt for to break the heart of someoneto break someone's heart duke e marrë nëpër këmbë dikë while taking someone through feetto mistreat someone
донета одлукаdoneta odlukaa brought decisiona decision made (by sb.) доношење одлукаdonošenje odlukadecision bringingdecision making
Diathesis alternation (passive, impersonal, middle, etc.) Some VMWEs (especially LVCs)
do allow diathesis alternation.:
خاطئ متخذ القرار ال the decision wich is made is wrong (passive alternation)
беше взето важно решение(passive alternation)a decision has been made
ελήφθησαν σημαντικές αποφάσεις(passive alternation)were-taken important decisionsimportant decisions were made έγιναν σημαντικές αλλαγές(middle alternation)were-made important changesimportant changes were made
important decisions were made(passive alternation)
decisiones importantes fueron tomadas durante la reunión (passive alternation)decisions important were taken during the meetingimportant decisions were made during the meeting las decisiones importantes se toman con calma (middle alternation)the decisions important SE_PARTICLE take with calmimportant decisions are made quietly
erabaki garrantzitsuak hartu ziren decision importants taken wereimportant decisions were made→middle, impersonal use
les décisions importantes se prennent en groupe the decisions important SELF take in groupimportant decisions are made collectively(middle alternation)
ὁ νόμοςἐτέθηho nomos etethēthe law was put.AOR.PAS.3SGthe law was established(passive alternation) νόμονἔθηκεnomon ethēkelaw put.AOR.ACT.3SGhe established a law / legislated
odluka je donesenathe decision was taken(passive alternation)
le decisioni importanti sono state presethe decisions important are been taken important decisions are made (passive alternation) le decisioni importanti si prendono con calma (middle alternation)the decisions important SE_PARTICLE take with calmimportant decisions are made quietly
belangrijke beslissingen worden gezamenlijk genomenimportant decisions are made collectively(passive alternation)
decyzja została podjętathe decision was taken(passive alternation) decyzje nie podejmują się same decisions do not take SELF alonedecisions are not taken on their own(middle alternation)
decisões importantes foram tomadas ontem (passive alternation)decisions important were taken yesterdayimportant decisions were made yesterday tomam-se decisões importantes aqui (middle alternation)take-SELF decisions important hereimportant decisions are made here
deciziile au fost luate de consiliu decisions-the have been taken by council the decisions have been taken by the council (passive alternation)
njegov piskrček je bil pristavljen k nečemu his little pot was added to someting to join something in order to profit from it (passive alternation)
vendime të rëndësishme janë marrë (passive alternation) decisions important have been takenImportant decisions have been made vendimet e rëndësishme merren me qetësi (middle alternation) the decisions important take-themselves with calmnessimportant decisions are made calmly
важне одлуке су донетеvažne odluke su doneteimportant decisions were broughtimportant decisions were made
冠军 被 他 拿了 (passive alternation) championship BEI he take LE the championship was won by him
Expressions with interposed modifiers (e.g. complex determiners and quantifiers, such as half a dozen, an
impressive number of, …):
نصائحه مجموعة من الأعطاhe gave him a number of advices → apply tests toأعطى نصيحة give advice
те нанесоха многобройни щети → apply tests to те нанесоха щети
η Μαρία πήρε μερικές πολύ σημαντικές αποφάσεις i Maria pire merikes poly simantikes apofasisthe Maria took some very important decisions Maria made some very important decisions → apply tests to η Μαρία πήρεαποφάσειςi Maria pire apofasisthe Maria took decisionsMaria made decisions
they had taken a significant number of steps → apply tests to they takesteps
habían tomado un gran número de decisioneshad_they taken a great number of decisionsthey had made a vast number of decisions → apply tests to habían tomadodecisiones
ποτέρῳ νῦν χρήσονται τῶν λόγων;poterо̄ nun khrēsontai tо̄n logо̄n?which now use.FUT.3PL the.GEN words.GENhow will they say it now?
donijeli su mnoštvo odlukathey have made a lot of decisions
hanno preso un significativo numero di provvedimenti → apply tests topresoprovvedimenti
zij namen een aantal belangrijke beslissingen → apply tests to zij nemenbeslissingen
dostać połowę spadkuto receive half of the heritage → apply tests todostać spadekreceive heritage nie mieć cienia wątpliwościnot to have a shadow of a doubtto have no doubt → apply tests tomieć wątpliwośćhave a doubt
ele fez o restante do trabalhoto make the remainder of the work → apply tests to ele fez o trabalhohe did the work
ei au luat o serie de importante decizii they have taken a series of important decisions they have made a series of important decisions
донели су низ одлукаdoneli su niz odlukathey brought a series of decisionsthey made a series of decisions
他 做 了 很多 错误 的 决定 he make LE many wrong DE decision he has made many wrong decisions
Canonical form
For a given (candidate) VMWE occurrence, if its prototypical forms exist and keep
the same meaning, these forms are called canonical.
a canonical form for متخذ ال قرار ال the decision madethe decison which is madeis قراريتخذ take a decision
a canonical form forрешението, което взехаis вземарешение a canonical form forнанасяйки тежки щетиis нанасям щети
a canonical form for das Herz welches er brichtthe heart which he breaksis er bricht ihr das Herzhe breaks her heart a canonical form for Wortbruchword-breaka promise which has not been holdisWort brechento break the wordnot to hold a promise
. a canonical form for η απόφαση που πήρε ο Γιάννης is ο Γιάννης πήρε μια απόφαση a canonical form formaking an impression on him is she makes an impression on him
a canonical form for the heart which he brokeis he broke her heart a canonical form formaking an impression on him is she makes an impression on him
a canonical form for una decisión nunca antes tomadaa decision never before takena decision never made beforeis ellos tomaron una decisiónthey took a decisionthey made a decision
a canonical form for une décision toujours prisea decision always takenisprend une décisionmakes a decision
δόξαν ἣν ἔνιοι ἔχουσιdoxan hēn enioi ekhousiopinion which some have.3PLopinion which some hold δόξανἔχουσιdoxan ekhousiopinion.ACC have.3PLthey hold an opinion(canonical form)
a canonical form forodluka koju je doniothe decision which he madeis donijeti odlukuto make a decision
a canonical form for una decisione sempre presaa decision always takenisprende una decisionemakes a decision
a canonical form for het hart dat hij brakthe heart he brokeis hij brak haar hartmakes a decision
a canonical form fordecyzje, które podjąłdecisions which he madeis podjął decyzjęhe made a decision
a canonical form fordecisão nunca antes tomadadecision never before takendecision never made beforeis eu tomei uma decisãoI made a decision
a canonical form fordecizia pe care el a luat-o is el aluat decizia
a canonical form forsrca, ki ji je zlomil hearts which he has broken(people's) feelings which he hurt badis zlomiti komu srceto break someone's heartto hurt someone's feelings bad a canonical form for njegov piskrček je bil pristavljen k nečemu his little pot was added to someting to join something in order to profit from it is pristaviti svoj piskrček k nečemu to add (one's) pot (to something) to join something in order to profit from it
a canonical form forодлука коју је донелаthe decision which she madeis донела је одлукуdonela je odlukushe made a decision
a canonical form for 冠军 被 他 拿了 championship BEI he take LE the championship was won by him is 他 拿 了 冠军 he take LE championship he won the championship
For some VMWEs, the only possible forms are not prototypical. For instance, some VMWEs appear in passive
voice but never in active voice. If no prototypical form exists or does not preserve the meaning, the given
occurrence is considered canonical itself.
броят ми се ребратаbe counted my ribsto be very skinnybut not#броя си ребрата I can count my ribs
τα παιδιά της κρέμονταιαπότηφούστα της ta pedia tis kremonte apo ti fusta tisthe children hers hang.PASS from the skirt hersher children depend on herbut not#κρεμάνε τα παιδιά της από τη φούστα τηςkremane ta pedia tis apo ti fusta tishung.3SG the choldren hers from the skirt hers κρέμομαιαπόμίακλωστήkremome apo mia klostihung.1SG.PASS from a threadbut not #με κρεμάνε από μία κλωστήme kremane apo mia klostime.1SG.ACC hung.3PL from a thread
está todo el pescado vendidois_it all the fish soldit's all over bar the shoutingbut not#he vendido todo el pescado have_I sold all the fishI have sold all the fish
les carrotes sont cuitesthe carrots are cookedit's too latebut not#j'ai cuit les carrotes I have cooked the carrots
kocka je bačenathe dice have been thrownalea iacta est
il dado è trattothe dice has been castthe dice is cast
de teerling is geworpenthe die has been thrownthe die is cast
kości zostały rzuconethe dice have been thrownalea iacta est
vivendo e aprendendoliving and learninglive and learnbut not#vivi e aprendi I-lived and I-learnedI lived and I learned
zarurile au fost aruncate dice-the have been castthe die is cast but not cineva a aruncat zarurilesomeone has cast the dicesomeone has cast the die
броје ми се ребраbroje mi se rebramy ribs are countingI'm thin as a railbut not#бројим си ребра brojim si rebraI'm counting my ribs
The linguistic tests for identification and categorization of VMWEs are always to be applied to a
canonical form of the candidate VMWE. Note that, for brevity, many of the VMWE examples in these
guidelines are given in their infinitive variants. Still, it is most often a canonical form that is implicitly
Non-verbal variants (not annotated)
Expressions of the syntactic categories mentioned above are considered VMWEs only if they function as verb
phrases (in prototypical forms) or nominal phrases (under meaning-preserving variants). Other kinds of variants
are not considered VMWEs. This concerns nominalizations morphologically derived from verbs and describing
a process, result, state, agent, etc.
вземане на решениеmaking a decision ударв гърбаa stab in the back високо вдигнаталетваhighly raised barhigh bar играч на картиcard player
Wortbruchword-breaka promise which has not been hold
η λήψη αποφάσεων the-FE.SG.NOM taking-FE.SG.NOM decisions-GE.PL.GEN deciding
a take-off
toma de decisionestaking of decisionsdecision making puesta a puntosetting to pointset-up
kontu-hartzeaissue takingcontrol (n)
la prise en comptethe fact of taking into account' une mise à dispositionthe fact of making available
la messa a disposizionethe made to availability the fact of making available
zabawa czyimś kosztema play at someone else's expensesderived frombawić się czyimś kosztemto enjoy oneself at someone else's expenses
a tomada de decisãothe making of decisions o tomador de decisãothe decision-maker
luarea unei deciziitake-noun.suffix a-genit decisionmaking a decision
zlomljeno srce broken heart
забава на туђ рачунzabava na tuđ računa play at someone else's expensesderived fromзабавити се на туђ рачунzabaviti se na tuđ računto enjoy oneself at someone else's expenses
We also do not annotate MWEs containing verbs but functioning as adverbials, adjectives or nominals that
are not meaning-preserving variants:
може би(it) may bemaybe разбира се(it) is understoodof course
τα πάρε-δώσε the.NE.PL.ACC give-2SG.IMP take-2SG.IMP relationship of some type
forget-me-not a run-down apartment
izen-emateaname givingregistration
peut-êtremay-bemaybe porte-feuillecarry-sheetswallet couru d'avancerun in advanceforgone conclusion
ὡςἔποςεἰπεῖνhо̄s epos eipeinas word say.INFso to speak
Bog dajGod givehello, hi
non-ti-scordar-di-menot you forget-me-forget-me-not
zrobić coś za Bóg-zapłaćdo something for a God-payto do something for free
um saca-rolhasa pull-corksa corkscrew um faz-de-contaa make-as-storya make-believe
treacă-meargăpass-golet it be
иди ми - дођи миidi mi - dođi migo to me - come to mepell-mell кафа за понетиkafa za poneticoffee to taketakeaway coffee
Particular language teams may decide to extend the annotation scope to these variants. It is recommended in this
case to introduce a new category for them (e.g. NVPC: nominal verb-particle constructions) so as to keep the (quasi-)universal categories intact.