Annotation guidelines
PARSEME shared task on automatic identification of verbal MWEs - edition 1.0 (2017)

Light verb constructions (LVC)

Light verb constructions (LVC) constitute a universal category. We retain the following key characteristics:

  1. They are formed by a verb v and a noun n, which either directly depends on v or is introduced by a preposition.
    • вземам решение to make a decision
      държа под контрол to keep under control
    • zum Einsatz kommen to the use come to be called into action
      eine Rede halten a speech hold to give a speech
    • παίρνω μία απόφαση make a decision
      δίνω στα νεύρα give to the nerves
    • to give a lecture
      to come into bloom
    • faire une présentation make a presentation
    • chiamare in causa to call in cause to single out
      fare una passeggiata to make a walk to have a walk
    • odnieść sukces carry-away success to be successful
    • fazer um aborto to make an abortion
      estar com fome be with hunger to be hungry
    • a duce dorul to carry yearning.theto miss somebody
      a da divorț to give divorce to divorce
      a da în clocot to give in boil to come to the boil
      a da în fiert to give in boil to come to the boil
    • biti v dvomih to doubt
      imeti predavanje to give a lecture
  2. The noun n is predicative, ofter referring to an event (e.g. decision, visit) or a state (e.g. fear, courage).
    • вземам решение to make a decision → noun refers to an act or event
      давам съгласие to give permission → noun refers to an act or event
      имам притеснения to have concerns → noun refers to a feeling or state
      имам готовност to be ready → noun refers to a feeling or state
    • eine Entscheidung treffen to make a decision → noun refers to an event
      Angst habento have fear→ noun refers to a state
    • παίρνω μία απόφαση, κάνω βόλτα → noun refers to an event
      έχω αγωνία, κάνω κουράγιο → noun refers to a state
    • to make a decision, to pay a visit → noun refers to an event
      to have fear, to have courage → noun refers to a state
    • donner un conseil give advice→ noun refers to an eventavoir du courage to have courage→ noun refers to a state
    • fare una domanda → noun refers to an event
      avere paura, avere coraggio → noun refers to a state
    • prowadzić rozmowy to lead conversationsto lead negotiations→ the noun refers to an event
      mieć rację to have rightto be right→ thre noun refers to a state
    • fazer uma prece to make a prayer → noun refers to an event
      ter sintomas to have symptoms → noun refers to a state
    • a lua o decizie to make a decision, a face o vizită to pay a visit→ noun refers to an event
      a avea curaj → noun refers to a state
    • imeti pogum to have courage → noun refers to a state
      sprejeti odločitev to make a decision → noun refers to an event
  3. The verb v is "light", i.e. it contributes to the meaning of the whole only by bearing tense and mode. It may be "light" either per se, or when used in the specific context of the noun. This implies that v's syntactic subject is n's semantic argument.

Many authors distinguish support verbs from light verbs, still others differentiate between true light verbs and vague action verbs. On the one hand, we take a narrower scope by ignoring aspectual or causative support verbs, since they do contribute an additional (change of state) meaning to the expression. For instance, for the predicative noun walk, we will consider the light verb to have, but not the aspectual verbs to start, to pursue, to stop a walk. For the noun bloom, which is in itself inchoative, we do consider come into bloom as LVC (both the verb and the noun are inchoative, so the verb does not add any semantics to the noun). In the same vein, we do not consider constructions with causative support verbs as LVCs (as in give a headache compared to have a headache).

On the other hand we do take in cases in which the verb has per se a light semantics (it only bears the tense and mood in any case), which hence cannot be described as "bleached" as is usually said of support verbs. For instance, whereas to pay does not have its usual meaning in to pay a visit, it cannot really be said that commit does not have one of its meanings in commit a crime (note that commit can be used with any negatively charged achievement noun, e.g. suicide, crime, fraud, felony...). These are borderline cases in that they do not fulfill the tests 1 to 5, but we take them as LVCs.

The noun n functions as a regular syntactic dependent, so LVCs exhibit regular syntactic variants.

  • взема решениерешението, което президентът взе the decision that the president made
  • eine Entscheidung treffen → die Entscheidung die der Direktor zu treffen hatte.
  • παίρνωμία απόφαση → η απόφαση που πρέπει κάποιος να πάρει.
  • make a decision → the decision that the director has to make.
  • prendre une décision → la décision prise par la directrice.
  • prendere una decisione → la decisione che il direttore ha dovuto prendere.
  • wziąć udział to take participation.ACCto take part wzięcie udziału taking.GER participation.GENtaking part, biorący udział taking.PART participation.ACCtaking part
  • tomar banho take shower → o banho que eu tomei estava bom the shower which I took was good
  • a lua o decizieto make a decisiondecizia pe care directorul trebuie să o ia the decison that the director has to make.
  • sprejeti odločitev to make a decisionodločitev, ki jo je moral sprejeti direktor the decison that the director has to make

In many cases of LVCs, it can be said that there is some degree of selection of the verb by the noun.

  • вземам решение to make a decision vs *вземам отговорност to take responsibility
    имам право to be right vs *притежавам право
  • eine Entscheidung treffen a decision meet make a decisionvs.*eine Entscheidung machen a decision make vs. *einen Beschluss treffen a resolution meet
  • κάνω διάλειμμα vs. *παίρνω διάλειμμα
  • have a walk vs *have a race
    run a race vs *run a walk
  • faire une marche make a walk take a walk vs *procéder à une promenade perform a walk but faire/procéder à une enquête make/perform an inquiry
  • prendere una decisione take a decision make a decisionvs.*fareuna decisione make a decision vs. *prendere una conclusione take a conclusion
  • wziąć udział to take participation vs. *wziąć uczestnictwo
    mieć rację to have rightto be right vs. *posiadać rację to possess right
  • fazer uma prece to make a prayer vs. *dar uma prece to give a prayer but fazer/dar uma caminhada to make/give a walk
  • a da divorț to give divorce to divorce vs. *a oferi divorț
  • postaviti vprašanje to put a question to pose a question vs *postaviti odgovor

Yet some regularities exist. For example, large classes of nouns function with have (e.g. +property) or commit (+negative achievement). Therefore, we chose not to retain the selection of the verb as a criterion for LVC categorization . Instead, the following decision tree should be applied to decide whether a candidate should be annotated as an LVC.

LVC-specific decision tree:

In this tree, a single NO to one of the tests is sufficient to decide that a candidate is not an LVC.
  • Apply test 9 - [N-EVENT: The noun describes an event/state?]
    • It is not an LVC, exit
    • Apply test 10 - [N-SEM: The noun keeps its usual sense?]
      • It is not an LVC, exit
      • Apply test 11 - [V-LIGHT: The verb adds zero semantics?]
        • It is not an LVC, exit
        • Apply test 12 - [V-REDUC: Subj+v+n transformable to subj's n?]
          • It is not an LVC, exit
          • Apply test 13 - [N-PROHIB-ARG: Noun prohibits a regular argument?]
            • It is not an LVC, exit
            • It is an LVC, exit

Test 9 - [N-EVENT] Noun denoting an event/state

Does the noun n refer to an event or state (including permanent or non permanent properties, relations) with at least one semantic argument?

  • continue to next test
    • поставям акцент to emphasize → event, with two arguments: the agent and the object being emphasized
      имам право → property, with one semantic argument: the possessor of the property
    • einen Besuch abstatten to pay a visit → event, with two arguments: the visitor and the visitee
      Angst haben to have fear → property with one semantic argument: the entity having fear
      einen Blick auf etwas werfen a glance at sth. throw to take a glance at sth → an event with two arguments the entity glancing and the entity glanced at
    • κάνω μία επίσκεψη to-make a visit pay a visit, visit → event, with two arguments: the visitor and the visitee
      έχω τη δυνατότητα to-have the ability to be able → property, with one core semantic argument: the entity having the ability
      έχω μίσος → state, with two arguments: the entity being in state hate and the entity hated
    • pay a visit → event, with two arguments: the visitor and the visitee
      have strength → property, with one semantic argument: the entity having strength
      take a glance at something → event, with two arguments: the entity glancing and the entity glanced at
    • avoir du courage to have courage→ state(property), with one argument: the entity having courage
    • fare una visita → event, with two arguments: the visitor and the visitee
      avere forza → property, with one semantic argument: the entity having strength
      dare unosguardo a qualcosa → event, with two arguments: the entity glancing and the entity glanced at
    • złożyć wizytę to submit a visitto pay a visit→ event, with two arguments: the visitor and the visitee
      złożyć skargę to submit a complaintto make a complaint → event, with two arguments: the complaining person and the one he/she complains about
    • ter fome to have hunger to be hungry → property, with one argument: the entity that is hungry
      ter idade para fazer algo to have age (to do something) to be old enough (to do something) → state, with one argument: the entity that is old enough
      We include as states and events (predicative nouns) the following classes: diseases (gripe, trombose, infarto), physical sensations (fome, sede, sono), emotions (medo, paixão, nojo), cognitive entities (ideia, opinião, preocupação), characteristics (coragem, teimosia, fraqueza), relations (contato, conflito, amizade) and communication (conversa, discussão, briga).
    • a face o vizită to make a visit to pay a visit → event, with one argument: the entity that visits
      a avea curaj to have courage → property, with one semantic argument: the entity having courage
    • imeti predavanje to give a lecture → event, with two arguments: a lecturer and the people who are attending the lecture
  • it is not an LVC
    • Иван хвърли боклука Ivan threw out the garbage → physical entity (not event/state)
    • Joe macht einen Kuchen→physical entity (not event/state), even though Joe could be considered a semantic argument
    • Joe makes a cake → physical entity (not event/state), even though Joe could be considered its semantic argument
      Joe experienced a tornado → event, but has no semantic argument
    • Anna a un vélo → noun not an event, nor a state
    • Joe fa un dolce → physical entity (not event/state), even though Joe could be considered its semantic argument
      Joe ha vissuto un tornado → event, but has no semantic argument
    • złożyć kartkę to fold a sheet→ physical entity (not event/state)
      bić pianę to beat foamto exaggerate about a problem→ physical entity (not event/state)
    • quebrar a cabeça to break one's head to rack one's brain → physical entity (not event/state)
      We exclude from the test abstract nouns represeting: informational content that do not require agents (informações, notícias), natural phenomena (chuva, neve, tornado).
    • Joe a făcut o prăjiturăJoe made a cake → physical entity (not event/state), even though Joe could be considered its semantic argument
    • Janez ima avto → the person that has a car could be considered as a semantic argument, but the car is not an event or a state

Test 10 - [N-SEM] Noun keeping its sense

Is the noun n used in one of its original senses?

  • continue to next test
    • поемам отговорност to take responsibility → the noun is literally understood
    • einen Besuch abstatten → noun is literally understood
    • pay a visit → noun is literally understood
    • rendre visite → noun is literally understood
    • fare una visita → noun is literally understood
    • podjąć decyzjęto take a decision→ the noun decyzja is literally understood
      pobić rekord to beat a recordto break a record→ the noun rekord is literally understood
    • tomar banho → noun is literally understood
    • a face o vizită to make a visit to pay a visit → noun is literally understood
    • imeti pogum to have courage → noun is literally understood
  • it is not an LVC
    • яхвам метлата to get on the broom to get very angry → noun is not literally understood (it's an ID)
    • Herzklopfen haben heartbeating have to be in love → noun is not used in one of its normal senses (it's an ID)
    • have kittens to be worried or angry → noun is not used in one of its normal senses (it's an ID)
    • jeter l'éponge to give up → noun is not used in one of its normal senses (it's an ID)
    • avere il batticuore have the heartbeating to be in love → noun is not used in one of its normal senses (it's an ID)
    • nadstawiać karkuto expose neck.GENto take personal risks→ the noun karkneck is not literally understood
    • quebrar um galho to break a branch to do a favor → noun is not used in one of its normal senses (it's an ID)
    • a face fațăto make face to to succeed → noun is not used in one of its normal senses (it's an ID)
    • imeti krompir to have potatoes to be lucky → noun is not used in one of its normal senses (it's an ID)

Test 11 - [V-LIGHT] Verb with light/void semantics

Does v only bear tense and mood, and add no semantic that is not already present in n, other than pointing to which semantic role is played by v's subject with respect to n's predicate?

  • continue to next test
    • вземам решение make a decision вземам adds no meaning to решение decision besides that of performing an act
      държа реч to make a speech държа adds no meaning to реч besides that of performing an act
      поемам отговорност to take responsibility поемам adds no meaning to отговорност besides that of having a property
    • eine Entscheidung treffen a decision meet to make a decision treffen adds no meaning to Entscheidung besides that of performing an activity
      Angst haben to have fear haben adds no meaning to Angst besides that of having a property.
    • take a walk take adds no meaning to walk besides that of performing an activity
      make a decision make adds no meaning to decision besides that of performing an activity
      have fear have adds no meaning to fear besides that of having a property
      perform a check perform is a pure syntactic operator: in any context, it only bears tense and mood and never adds any sense to the noun
      commit a crime commit is a pure syntactic operator: in any context,it only bears tense and mood and never adds any sense to the noun
      pay a visit → the verb in its usual sense means 'to spend some money on a visit', but here it is not used in this sense and does not add any semantics to the "visiting" event
      deliver a speech → the verb in its usual sense means 'to move from one placeto another', but here it is not used in this sense and does not add any semantics to the "speech" event
      undergo a surgery undergo adds no meaning to surgery besides indicating that the subject is the patient of the surgery
    • ils ont du courage they have some courage have adds no meaning to courage besides that of having a property
      ils reçoivent l’ordre de partir they receive the order of leavingthey are ordered to leave receive adds no meaning to order besides indicating that the subject is the recepient of the order
      il a subi une intervention chirurgicale he has undergone an intervention surgery he underwent surgery undergo adds no meaning to surgery besides indicating that the subject is the patient of the surgery
    • fareuna passeggiata fare adds no meaning to passeggiata besides that of performing an activity
      prendere una decisione prendere adds no meaning to decisione besides that of performing an activity
      avere paura avere adds no meaning to paura besides that of having a property
      eseguire un controllo eseguire is a pure syntactic operator: in any context, it only bears tense and mood and never adds any sense to the noun
      commettere un crimine commettere is a pure syntactic operator: in any context,it only bears tense and mood and never adds any sense to the noun
      fare una visita → the verb in its usual sense means 'to spend some money on a visit', but here it is not used in this sense and does not add any semantics to the "visiting" event
      fare un discorso → the verb in its usual sense means 'to make', but here it is not used in this sense and does not add any semantics to the "speech" event
    • oddać hołd to give-back tributeto pay tribute oddać give-back adds no meaning to hołdtribute besides that of performing an activity
      wystąpić z wnioskiem to stand out with a proposal to put forward a motion wystąpić z stand out with adds no meaning to wniosekmotion besides that of performing an activity
    • mover uma ação judicial to move a lawsuit to sue to move adds no meaning to lawsuit besides that of performing an activity
      apresentar uma lesão present a lesion to have a lesion to present adds no meaning to lesion besides that of having a property
      estar com medo be with fear to be afraid to be with adds no meaning to fear besides that of being in a state
    • a avea curaj to have courage avea adds no meaning to curaj besides that of thaving a property
      a lua o decizieto make a decision lua adds no meaning to decizie besides that of performing an activity
    • imeti pogum to have courage imeti have adds no meaning to pogum courage besides that of having a property
      sprejeti odločitev to make a decision sprejeti in its usual sense means 'to receive', but here it is not used in this sense and does not add any semantics to event
  • it is not an LVC
    • започвам играта start the game, start playing започвам start adds an aspectual meaning to the noun
    • eine Rede beginnen to begin a speech beginnen adds an aspectual meaning to the noun Rede
    • to start a walk start adds an aspectual meaning to the noun
    • donner du courage to give courage
      donner son avis to give one's opiniondonner adds the information that the opinion is communicated
    • cominciare un ballo to start a dance cominciare adds an aspectual meaning to the noun ballo
    • wymierzyć sprawiedliwośćto measure justiceto do justicewymierzyćmeasure adds an aspectual meaning to sprawiedliwośćjustice
      przejść na emeryturęto cross to retirementto take retirementprzejść adds an inchoative (change-of-state) meaning to the noun
    • entrar com uma ação judicial to enter with a lawsuit to file a lawsuit to enter adds an aspectual meaning to the noun
      enfrentar uma ação judicial to face a lawsuit enfrentar introduces the patient of a lawsuit, not the agent
      dar uma opinião to give an opinion to giveadds the meaning of communication which is not present in the name itself (one can ter uma opinião to have an opinion without ccommunicating it).
    • a începe muncato start work the to start working începe adds an aspectual meaning to the noun

Note that this light semantics of the verb is either usual for that verb (i.e. the verb is a pure syntactic operator, like commit, perform), or happens in the context of the particular noun (e.g. for pay in to payvisit).

Test 12 - [V-REDUC] - Verb reduction

Can an NP in which v's subject becomes n's dependent evoke the same event or state as the candidate construction does?

  • continue to next test
    • Иван пое отговорност Ivan took responsibility отговорността на Иван — both refer to the same property/event
      Иван взе решение Ivan made a decision решението на Иван — both refer to the same property/event
    • Paul hat eine Rede gehalten Paul has given a speech Paul's speech both refer to the same speech event
      Ich habe ihm einen Besuch abgestattet I have paid him a visit mein Besuchmy visit both refer to the same visiting event
    • Paul had a walk Paul's walk — both refer to the same walking event
      I paid him a visit my visit — both refer to the same visiting event
    • Paul a fait une enquête Paul made an inquiryL'enquête de Paul Paul's inquiry
      Paul procède à une perquisition Paul makes a searchLa perquisition de/par Paul the search of/by Paul
      Le général donne l'ordre de partir The general gives the order to leave The general orders to leave l'ordre du général de partir The general's order to leave
      Les soldats reçoivent l'ordre de partir The soldiers receive the order to leave The soldiers are ordered to leavel'ordre aux soldats de partir The order to the soldiers to leave
      Jean souffre de troubles psychiques John suffers from psychic troubles Les troubles psychiques de Jean John's psychic troubles
      Jean présente une hypersensibilité John presents a hypersensibility John has a hypersensibilityl'hypersensibilité de Jean John's hypersensibility
      Paul reçoit des menaces de (la part de) Pierre Paul receives threats from (the part of) Peter Paul is threatened by Peterles menaces de Pierre à Paul Peter's threats to Paul
      Ce médicament présente un risque This medicine presents a risk This medicine poses a risk le risque de ce médicamentthis medicine's risk
    • Paolo ha fatto una conquistaPaul made a conquerla conquista di Paolo
      Il generale da l' ordinedi partire. The general gives the order to leaveThe general orders to leave L'ordine di/da parte del generale di partire
      Paolo riceve delle minacce da (parte di) Piero le minacce di Piero a Paolo
    • Obecni oddali hołd poległym The present gave-back tribute to the fallen The audience payed tribute to the fallenhołd obecnych the tribute of the audience
      Jan miał na myśli Marię Jan had on thought Maria Jan meant Mariamyśl JanaJan's thought
      Jan otrzymał wymówienieJan received a dismissalwymówienie dla Jana dismissal for Jan
      Inwestycja przynosi zyski the investment brings profitzyski z inwestycji profit from the investment
    • João cometeu um deslize o deslize do João — both refer to the same event
      O jogador cobrou um pênalti the player charged a penalty kick the player took a penalty kick o pênalti do jogador the player's penalty kick — both refer to the same event
      João tem consciência do perigo John has conscience of the danger John is aware of the danger a consciência do João sobre o perigo John's awareness of the danger — both refer to the same state
      João recebeu a remuneração John received the remuneration a remuneração do João John's remuneration — both refer to the same event
      O paciente recebeu a visita dos familiares The patient received the visit of the relatives a visita dos familiares ao paciente the visit of the relatives to the patient — both refer to the same event
      João apresenta lesões John presents lesions as lesões do João John's lesions — both refer to the same state
    • Paul a făcut o plimbarePaul had a walk plimbarea lui Paul Paul's walk — both refer to the same walking event
      i-am făcut o vizită I paid him a visit vizita mea — both refer to the same visiting event
    • Zdravnik je postavil diagnozo The doctor made a diagnosis njegova diagnoza His diagnosis both refer to the same event
  • it is not an LVC
    • Иван хвърли поглед на вестника Ivan threw a glance at the newspaper #погледът на Иван върху вестника — different semantics; and requires a different preposition
    • Paul hat einen guten Eindruck gemachtPaul has made a good impression #Paul's Eindruck auf seine Freunde Paul's impression on his friends has a different semantics
    • Paul made a good impression #Paul's impression on his wife — different semantics
    • Son comportement porte une atteinte grave à l'honneur des soldats His behaviour seriously jeopardises the soldiers' honnour #l'atteinte de son comportement the jeopardy of his behaviour
      Ce fait attire l'attention de la justice This fact attracts the attention of the justice ?l'attention de la justice pour/sur ce fait the attention of the justice on/about this fact
    • Michael Phelps pobił rekord sprzed 2 tysięcy latMichael Phelps broke the record from 2 thousand years ago→ #Michael Phelps' record
      Ulica nosi imię sławnego poety The street carries the forename of a famous poet The street carries the name of a famous poet.imię ulicy the forename of the street
    • O jogador cobrou uma falta the player charged a foul the player took a free kick a falta do jogador the player's foul — the focus changes from taking a free kick to being one of the parts involved in a foul (it's an ID)
      O jogador provocou uma lesão the player provoked a lesion a lesão do jogador the player's lesion — In the reduced NP, the focus changes from hurting somebody else to getting hurt
      O músico apresenta suas composições the musician presents his compositions as composições do músico the musician's compositions — the reduced NP does not keep the sense of presenting, it is not refer to the same event as the verbal construction
    • Paul a făcut o impresie bunăPaul made a good impression #Impresia lui Paul despre soția sa Paul's impression on his wife— different semantics

Test 13 - [N-PROHIB-ARG] Noun's prohibited argument

Does the noun n, in the presence of v, prohibit at least one syntactic argument a which it normally licensed in the absence of v (except when a is in the whole–part relation with v's subject)? An alternative formulation for this test is the following: Let s be the subject of v, and let r be the semantic role that s plays with respect to the noun n. Is it prohibited for r to be realized both by s and by a syntactic argument a of n, except when a is in the whole–part relation with s? The rationale for this tests is that a semantic argument n cannot be realized as its syntactic dependent, since it is already realized as v's syntactic dependent instead (usually as v's subject). For instance the noun visit takes two semantic arguments, the visitor and the visited entity, as in "the visit of the Queen to the Prime Minister". When used in to pay a visit, the visitor semantic argument is realized as the subject of to pay (The Queen paid a visit to the Prime Minister), and cannot be realized at the same time within the NP headed by visit (*The Queen paid a visit of the Lady to the Prime Minister).

  • it is an LVC
    • Петър Стоянов взе решението да подпише договора Ivan made the decision to sign the contract + решението на президента да подпише договора*Петър Стоянов взе решението на президента да подпише договора — the noun cannot be modified by the person performing the act/event (which is the subject)
    • Die Königin hat dem Premierminister einen Besuch abgestattet the Queen has paid a visit to the Prime Minister + ein Besuch der Dame beim Premierminister a visit of the Lady to the Prime Minister *Die Königin hat einen Besuch der Dame beim Premierminister abgestattet*The Queen paid a visit of the Lady to the Prime Minister — the visitor cannot be a modifier of visit
      Paul hat eine Entscheidung über das Budget getroffen Paul made a decision on the budget + die Entscheidung des Rates über das Budget the council's decision on the budget*Paul traf die Entscheidung des Rates über das Budget *Paul made the committee's decision on the budget — the decision maker cannot modify decision
    • The Queen paid a visit to the Prime Minister + a visit of the Lady to the Prime Minister*The Queen paid a visit of the Lady to the Prime Minister — the visitor cannot be a modifier of visit
      Paul made a decision on the budget + the committee's decision on the budget*Paul made the committee's decision on the budget — the decision maker cannot modify decision
      Paul leads the discussion + Peter's discussion*Paul leads Peter's discussion but Paul leads the discussion of the committee — the discussing entity can only modify discussion when the subject Paul is part of the committee
      Bjarnson scored a goal + Arnason's goal*Paul scored Arnason's goal but Paul scored the goal of Iceland — the scoring entity can only modify goal in the last case, when they are part of the Iceland team
    • La ministre a rendu une visite aux victimes + la visite de la ministre aux victimes*La ministre a rendu une visite du président aux victimes — the visitor cannot be a modifier of visite
      Bjarnson a marqué un but + le but d'Arnason*Paul a marqué le but d'Arnason but Paul a marqué le but de l'Islande — the scoring entity can only modify but (goal) in the last case, when they are part of the Iceland team
    • Il primo ministro ha preso la decisione di dimettersi the Prime Minister decided to resign + le dimissioni del governo the resignation of the government*Il primo ministro ha preso la decisione del governo di dimettersi — the resigner cannot be a modifier of resignation
    • Paweł złożył rezygnację ze stanowiska dyrektora Paweł submitted a resignation from the position of the director Paweł tendered his resignation from the director position + rezygnacja Piotra *Paweł złożył rezygnację Piotra ze stanowiska dyrektora Paweł tendered Piotr's resignation from the director position - the resignation cannot be modified by the resigning person
      Paweł prowadzi rozmowy *Paweł prowadzi rozmowy Piotra Paweł leads Piotr's talks , Paweł prowadzi rozmowy komisji Paweł leads the talks of the commission - the discussing entity komisjacommission can only modify rozmowytalks if Paweł belongs to the commission.
      Jan otrzymał wymówienieJan received a dismissal + wymówienie dla Pawła dismissal for Paweł *Jan otrzymał wymówienie dla Piotra
    • João está tomando banho John is taking shower + o banho do Pedro Pedro's shower*João está tomando o banho do Pedro — the bath cannot be modified by a bath taker
      Pedro sofreu prejuízo com a compra Pedro suffered finantial loss with the purchase + o prejuízo do José José's finantial loss*Pedro sofreu o prejuízo do José com a compra — the financial loss cannot be modified by the affected entity
      A Maria fez um aborto Maria made an abortion + o aborto da Joana Joana's abortion#A Maria fez o aborto da Joana — the noun cannot be modified by another patient
      O médico realizou o parto com sucesso The doctor performed the childbirth with success + o parto do Dr. Pedro Dr. Smith's childbirth*O médico realizou o parto do Dr. Pedro com sucesso — the childbirth could be modified by the mother (patient) but not by another doctor (agent).
    • Paul a dat sfaturi surorii salePaul gave advice to his sister + sfatul lui Petre Peter's advicePaul a dat sfatul lui Petre surorii sale Paul gave Peter's advice to his sistersfatul the advice cannot be modified by its author
    • Učiteljica je sprejela odločitev v zvezi z nalogo The teacher made a decision regarding the homework + dijakova odločitev v zvezi z nalogo pupil's decision regarding the homework*učiteljica je sprejela dijakovo odločitev v zvezi z nalogo — the decision maker cannot modify decision
  • it is not an LVC
    • Иван предаде решението на сестра си Ivan transmitted the decision to his sister + решението на комисиятаИван предаде решението на комисията на сестра си Ivan transmitted the decision of the comission to his sister — the noun can be modified by the person performing the act/event (which can be different from the subject)
    • Paul hat seiner Schwester die Entscheidung überbracht Paul has transmitted the decision to his sister+ Peter's Entscheidung Peter's decisionPaul hat seiner Schwester Peter's Entscheidung überbracht Paul transmitted Peter's decision to his sister — the decision can be modified by its author
    • Paul transmitted the advice to his sister + Peter's advicePaul transmitted Peter's advice to his sister — the advice can be complemented by its author
    • Paul a transmis l'ordre aux soldats Paul transmitted the order to the soldiers+l'ordre de Paul aux soldats Paul's order to the soldiersPaul a transmis l'ordre du général aux soldats Paul transmitted the general's orders to the soldiers — l' ordre can have as a complement the person who gave it
    • Paweł podważył niedawną decyzjęPaweł questioned the recent decision +decyzja PiotraPiotr's decision→ Paweł podważył niedawną decyzje PiotraPaweł questioned Piotr's recent decision — the decision can be modified by the decision maker
    • Paulo tem notícias sobre o conflito Paul has news about the conflict+ as notícias de Pedro Peter's newsPaulo tem as notícias de Pedro sobre o conflito Paul has Peter's news about the conflict — the news can be complemented by its source
    • Paul a transmis sfatul surorii salePaul transmitted the advice to his sister + sfatul lui Peter Peter's advicePaul a transmis sfatul lui Peter surorii sale Paul transmitted Peter's advice to his sistersfatul the advice can be modified by its author
    • Janez mi je povedal mnenje o filmu Janez told me his opinion on the movie+ Ninino mnenje o filmu Nina's opinion on the movieJanez mi je povedal Ninino mnenje o filmu Janez told me Nina's opinion on the movie – the opinion can be modified by the person who has this opinion