We are frequently asked this question: What is the difference between PARSEME and PARSEME-FR? This page tries to a give a concise and precise answer.
PARSEME is a European network on PARsing and Multiword Expressions. Some facts:
It was funded by the IC1207
COST action in 2013-2017. After the funding period, the network still remains active.
PARSEME multilingual corpus of verbal MWEs, in versions
1.0 (18 languages),
1.1 (20 languages), and
1.2 (14 languages)
PARSEME shared task on automatic identification of verbal MWEs, editions
1.1, and
Since the end of the funding period in 2017, the PARSEME follow-up activities have been coordinated by the
SIGLEX MWE section.
corpus development activities have been ongoing for several years, with regular releases related to the shared tasks, and no dedicated funding.
PARSEME-FR is a French national project, a spin-off of the PARSEME COST action. Basic facts:
Links between PARSEME-FR and PARSEME
The links between PARSEME-FR and PARSEME are strong. Notably, as far as outcomes are concerned:
PARSEME guidelines were used for the annotation of verbal MWEs is Sequoia (but other types of MWEs are annotated in Sequoia, too)
Consequently, Sequoia (that is, the original corpus and its verbal MWE annotations) is also part of the French subcorpus of the
PARSEME corpus
The PARSEME-FR core group members play major roles in the PARSEME network:
Marie Candito (PARSEME-FR local coordinator at LLF in Paris) is:
Eric de la Clergerie (INRIA member in Paris) was:
Mathieu Constant (PARSEME-FR coordinator) is:
Silvio Ricardo Cordeiro (PARSEME-FR member at LIS, then at LLF) is:
Yannick Parmentier (LIFO local coordinator in Orléans, then in Nancy) is:
an editor of the
PMWE book series (until 2020),
Caroline Pasquer (PARSEME-FR member at LIFAT, then at LIS) is:
Author of the
VarIDE system, which participated in the PARSEME shared task 2018
Carlos Ramisch (PARSEME-FR local coordinator at LIS in Marseille) is:
a co-chair of the 2017, 2018 and 2020 editions of the
MWE workshop,
an editor of the
PMWE book series (from 2020),
Agata Savary (PARSEME-FR local coordinator at LIFAT in Blois/Tours) is:
a co-chair of the 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020 editions of the
MWE workshop,
an editor of the
PMWE book Series,
Nicolas Zampieri and Manon Scholivet (PARSEME-FR interns at LIS) are:
Authors of the
Veyn system, which participated in the PARSEME shared task 2018