Table of Contents

Jobs and Internships

[2020-LIFAT-M2 FULFILLED] Weakly supervised multilingual identification of verbal multiword expressions

[2018-LIFAT-M2-1 FULFILLED] Verbal Multiword Expression Discovery in French Based on Seen Data and Distributional Semantics

[2018-LLF-postdoc-1 FULFILLED] Data-driven modeling of reflexive verbal forms

[2018-ATILF-M2-1 FULFILLED] Lexicon-to-corpus multiword expression browser

[2018-ATILF-M2-2 FULFILLED] Experimenting graph-based semantic tagging for lemmatization and multiword expression identification

[2017-LIF-PostDoc FUFILLED]



[2016-LIF-M2-1 FULFILLED] Developing a generic software for multiword expressions tagging

[2016-LIGM-M2-1 FULFILLED] Deep learning and MWE identification

[2016-LIGM-M2-2 FULFILLED] Development of tools to enrich an MWE lexicon